Learn by making.

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A roadmap for Labs, Learn by making

During November and December 2022 we ran our first series of Labs, Learn by making.

This is our high-level roadmap for how we imagine it being taking forward and the areas that need to be explored further.

Provide public servants the skills and confidence to build better public services

Labs aims to provide participants with a variety of practical tools, resources, and experiences that they can apply within their day-to-day work.

There are elements of Labs that are repeatable, but its value comes from providing participants with a hands-on approach that relates to the challenges within their organisation.




Support Labs alumni to take forward what they learnt within their organisation

For Labs to be considered a success it needs to do more than to teach participants new skills. They need to be empowered to apply what they learnt back within their organisation.

Regardless of appetite organisational change won’t happen overnight but incremental change through starting to work more in the open to building improved services in better ways is an indicator of Labs success.




Make Labs available for all public sector organisations in Wales

Labs has started with a team supporting a single organisation tackling a single problem. We need to demonstrate that the concept of Labs can scale in a number of different ways that are viable to both operate and fund.


