Learn by making.

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Session four

The fourth session of Learn by making focuses on two areas:

Accessibility and inclusive design

We’ll be thinking about types of accessibility needs and ways that we can support them during the design of a service. We’ll also be simulating the use of different assistive technologies to help us start to get some appreciation of what it is like to experience using services with varying accessibility needs.


After recapping on the problem that was prioritised session three we’ll then start coming up with ideas about how we might go about tackling that problem.

Building on what we learnt about accessibility, we’ll also be asking ourselves what accessibility needs should be considered in our design thinking.

The goal will be to have a rough, high-level design by the end of the day that we can start prototyping.

The make

By the end of the session four we’ll aim to show a series of high-level designs that we’ve sketched out, fed back on and iterated as a team.

Learning outcomes