Session one
Session one of Dysgu trwy greu has two main objectives.
- To get to know the team and establish a safe place to experiment and learn
- Get everyone on the team set up with the tools and resources they’ll need
The make
Each session will involve a “make”, or a series of “makes”. The make will vary with each session, sometimes it will be a digital thing other times the make might be physical. But regardless of what the make is the goal will be to share these things after each session.
During the first session we’ll make:
- a set of team principles
- everyone’s ‘manual of me’
- a team website
Learning outcomes
The team and users
- The importance of empathy for the team and users
- The importance of being open and honest
- That behaviours matter more than processes
Tools and resources
- An introduction to Git
- How to use GitHub pages to easily create a website
Session resources
Manual of me
Inspired by Emily Webber’s team manual and using Cassie Robinson’s template we’ve created our own version of the ‘manual of me’.