Learn by making.

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Shwmae! (shuh-my), Hello!

28 October 2022

We’re the Learn by making team.

Dysgu trwy greu (duss-gi true-ih grey), Learn by making, is an experimental digital lab, set up to explore how people learn by making things. Sponsored by the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS), this initiative forms part of Campws Digidol. Dysgu trwy greu will run alongside digital training courses, communities of practice and informal meet ups where teams from across Wales can share their skills and expertise.

Learn, Make, Reflect.. Repeat, repeat, repeat

The essence of Dysgu trwy greu is to create practical, immersive lab sessions where people learn digital skills and make digital products and services - in the open, for real. One of the most effective ways to learn about something new is to experience it for yourself. By trying out what you’ve learned through actual experimentation, you can turn theoretical knowledge into practical skills.

We’ll lead participants step-by-step through:

  • applying user-centred design skills
  • prototyping
  • bilingual service design
  • user research
  • agile delivery techniques
  • data-led decision making
  • working in the open

By the end of the sessions people taking part will have a piece of work online that they can point at and say ‘I made that’. Our first Dysgu trwy greu lab is a 4-week experiment, designed for entry-level practitioners or people seeking to move into ‘digital’ roles. To start with, we’re working with one of our existing partners to help us create it, test it and iterate it. If it works, then we’ll extend it to others in public sector organisations across Wales.

It’s early days and we’re still figuring lots of things out. But we’re practising what we preach by making things to help us learn and sharing that in the open. You can follow along on our team website, and if you’d like to read our weekly updates then drop us a line at hello@learnbymaking.wales